Steve Mickenbecker news

Canstar reveals latest rate moves


Canstar reveals latest rate moves

Big bank makes surprise move

Borrowers face diverse rate changes


Borrowers face diverse rate changes

Canstar has the latest

Canstar on latest home loan rate changes


Canstar on latest home loan rate changes

Rate changes impact borrowers

Canstar reports rate changes


Canstar reports rate changes

Data shows shifts in variable and fixed rates

Latest mortgage rate changes in Australia


Latest mortgage rate changes in Australia

To fix or not fix?

How have the home loan rates moved?


How have the home loan rates moved?

Plus insights on RBA's next move

Home loan rates fluctuate


Home loan rates fluctuate

Learn the latest from Canstar

Aussies curbing credit use


Aussies curbing credit use

Consumers increasingly opting for debit over credit

Australia’s per capita recession continues for fifth quarter


Australia’s per capita recession continues for fifth quarter

Impact of weak GDP on interest rates

Home loan rates fluctuate amid economic uncertainty


Home loan rates fluctuate amid economic uncertainty

"We are at or near the turning point in the cycle," expert says

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